I was taken aback when a friend of mine in Jakarta told me via YM that the topics that I have posted are rather serious and suitable for grown ups only! As if.....!
So I have decided to let my hair down today and talk about the "feel-good-story" where it will make you smile while reading it.
I was listening to the song from Pussycat Dolls ~ When I grow up, while driving to the office this morning.
[Verse 1]
Now I've got a confession
When I was young I wanted attention
And I promised myself that I’d do anything
Anything at all for people to notice me
I have changed the wordings a bit cause I don't fit into the last phrase.....Well, it is true. When I was a kid I enjoy attention and whenever I visit my parents friend's house, I will identify anybody in that house that may like my presence and I will start following them everywhere they go in the house. I will start asking all those nonsense questions just to get their attention. Pretty annoying huh?
[Bridge] But I ain't complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say
You know what it's like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is
'Cause see when I was younger I would say
When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies
I really hate the feeling that nobody acknowledge my presence when the attention should be centred around me and me and me. I am the most adorable and cute little rascal that will start fidgeting if my needs are not being attended to. Plus, I could not understand the whole adult conversation......I do watch TV a lot and my favourite programme was ~ Donny and Marrie, does that ring a bell? Yes I want to be famous, I want to be a star and I want to be in movies. I used to mimmick a lot of the movies or TV programmes characters ~ The 6 Million Dollar Man, Captain America, Lost in Space ~ that funny Dr Smith..."Never fear Smith is here" line. I memorise it and I even try to dress up like them.
Then I went to secondary school/University and started to get myself exposed to a more complex characters. I started to add in complication in life and I want to be more than just a TV or movie characters.
When I grow up I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have Groupies
I started to develop the passion for cars ~ sports cars - Mustang, Mazda RX 7, Toyota Celica. Oh Yeah! I joined a clubbing group and painted a town in Dallas red every wekeend. It almost cost me my degree though. We attended concerts ~ Blonde Ambition Tour by Madonna in 1990; I failed my Thermodynamic paper - purposely so I can extend my stay in Arlington for another semester in Spring 1991.
When I grow up
Be on TV People know me
Be on magazines
Then I started working and I have decided that glamourous world is just not my cup of tea. I join a corporation ~ seriously! Thinking that I will be the next Bill Gates.....It is just a dream. Well, I did get into TV ~ one of the morning talk show and I also appear in local paper - of course talking about my company's product...I wish I can promote myself more but I am just an ordinary staff so I have to stick to the topic. I remember watching the Group Communication staff looking at me everytime I started talking. She is afraid that I will start promoting my self instead of the product. But...I am still not in magazine...By the way, does appearing in a small corner or the magazine looking for pen-pal count?
When I grow up Fresh and clean
Number one hunk when I step out on the scene
I wish! But almost! I swear to God. Had only I shed all the bulges and listen to my trainer, I would have that to-die-for muscular body that every male dream about.
But be careful what you wish for
'Cause you just might get it
But you just might get it
But You just might get it
Phew! I just might get it...Thank you Nicole for reminding me.
[Verse 2]
They used to tell me I was silly
Until I popped up on the TV
I always wanted to be a superstar
And knew that singing songs would get me this far
Yeah! But I am lucky as I did not appear as a Superstar but I did pop up on the TV! That is important for all of you to remember.
But I ain't complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say
You know what it's like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is '
Cause see, when I was younger I would say
For whatever it is, just pursue your dream. That is the point that Iam trying to make. I don't want to comment on the rest of the lyric as I am yet to be a trendsetter and not the hot topic of the town (But please note : I can stir a commotion if I want to). By the way, I drive a nice car ~ to my standard la....
So my fellow friends, brothers and sisters, when you grow up (if you have not been a grown up for any reason that I could not be bothered), chase the rainbow, who knows it will fall on your lap! And Alim, if you are reading, I am not a Serious Person as you think I am!
So I have decided to let my hair down today and talk about the "feel-good-story" where it will make you smile while reading it.
I was listening to the song from Pussycat Dolls ~ When I grow up, while driving to the office this morning.
[Verse 1]
Now I've got a confession
When I was young I wanted attention
And I promised myself that I’d do anything
Anything at all for people to notice me
I have changed the wordings a bit cause I don't fit into the last phrase.....Well, it is true. When I was a kid I enjoy attention and whenever I visit my parents friend's house, I will identify anybody in that house that may like my presence and I will start following them everywhere they go in the house. I will start asking all those nonsense questions just to get their attention. Pretty annoying huh?
[Bridge] But I ain't complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say
You know what it's like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is
'Cause see when I was younger I would say
When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies
I really hate the feeling that nobody acknowledge my presence when the attention should be centred around me and me and me. I am the most adorable and cute little rascal that will start fidgeting if my needs are not being attended to. Plus, I could not understand the whole adult conversation......I do watch TV a lot and my favourite programme was ~ Donny and Marrie, does that ring a bell? Yes I want to be famous, I want to be a star and I want to be in movies. I used to mimmick a lot of the movies or TV programmes characters ~ The 6 Million Dollar Man, Captain America, Lost in Space ~ that funny Dr Smith..."Never fear Smith is here" line. I memorise it and I even try to dress up like them.
Then I went to secondary school/University and started to get myself exposed to a more complex characters. I started to add in complication in life and I want to be more than just a TV or movie characters.
When I grow up I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have Groupies
I started to develop the passion for cars ~ sports cars - Mustang, Mazda RX 7, Toyota Celica. Oh Yeah! I joined a clubbing group and painted a town in Dallas red every wekeend. It almost cost me my degree though. We attended concerts ~ Blonde Ambition Tour by Madonna in 1990; I failed my Thermodynamic paper - purposely so I can extend my stay in Arlington for another semester in Spring 1991.
When I grow up
Be on TV People know me
Be on magazines
Then I started working and I have decided that glamourous world is just not my cup of tea. I join a corporation ~ seriously! Thinking that I will be the next Bill Gates.....It is just a dream. Well, I did get into TV ~ one of the morning talk show and I also appear in local paper - of course talking about my company's product...I wish I can promote myself more but I am just an ordinary staff so I have to stick to the topic. I remember watching the Group Communication staff looking at me everytime I started talking. She is afraid that I will start promoting my self instead of the product. But...I am still not in magazine...By the way, does appearing in a small corner or the magazine looking for pen-pal count?
When I grow up Fresh and clean
Number one hunk when I step out on the scene
I wish! But almost! I swear to God. Had only I shed all the bulges and listen to my trainer, I would have that to-die-for muscular body that every male dream about.
But be careful what you wish for
'Cause you just might get it
But you just might get it
But You just might get it
Phew! I just might get it...Thank you Nicole for reminding me.
[Verse 2]
They used to tell me I was silly
Until I popped up on the TV
I always wanted to be a superstar
And knew that singing songs would get me this far
Yeah! But I am lucky as I did not appear as a Superstar but I did pop up on the TV! That is important for all of you to remember.
But I ain't complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say
You know what it's like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is '
Cause see, when I was younger I would say
For whatever it is, just pursue your dream. That is the point that Iam trying to make. I don't want to comment on the rest of the lyric as I am yet to be a trendsetter and not the hot topic of the town (But please note : I can stir a commotion if I want to). By the way, I drive a nice car ~ to my standard la....
So my fellow friends, brothers and sisters, when you grow up (if you have not been a grown up for any reason that I could not be bothered), chase the rainbow, who knows it will fall on your lap! And Alim, if you are reading, I am not a Serious Person as you think I am!
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